Inline Virtual Modules
This libray has two parts, a inline module definition and a Vite plugin to expose those defined modules. Plugins for other bundlers may be added using the same core logic as its base.
The idea of this library is to allow developers to pass and receive non-trivial values on configuration files that affect the behavior of an application at runtime. For example, defining a middleware function in a config file and having that middleware running on the server after the deployment.
Imagine if you could have a Vite plugin with this API:
export default defineConfig({ plugins: [ yourPlugin({ fetchFunction: (url, requestInit) => { console.log('Lib is calling fetch'); return fetch(url, requestInit); }, }), ],});
And access your configuration at runtime inside your runtime code like a normal module:
import { fetchFunction } from 'yourLib:config';
const response = await fetchFunction(/* ... */);
No more weirdly JSON-based JS generators replicated in every project to serialize a configuration.
No more oceans of flags an options to encode every possible use case as a plain object that can be turned into
a JSON to decide what to do at runtime. Let your consumers give you functions with exact behavior they want.
This plugin was based on the work by the Pulumi Corporation for their inline lambda feature. Pulumi is an Infrastructure as Code platform that allows declaring the desired state of your infrastructure and construct those declaration using a familiar language like TypeScript, Python or Go.
The original work was strictly for serializing a single exported function along with its captured environment, and was limited to CommonJS operation mode. This library ports all that logic to ECMAScript Modules and rework all the logic to support the definition of arbitrary modules.
Thank you to the authors of the original inline closure serialization code who brought this idea into existence years ago.
Licensing notice
Because this is a port and derivation of part of an idea that is within some existing code, the appropriate licensing for this is somewhat confusing. This section describes all that I currenly know about it.
The original code by Pulumi Corporation is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
All the code made by me is licensed under the MIT license.
I tried to the best of my abilities to find whether this project would have some limitations under Apache 2.0 and as far as I can tell there is none.
But I am not a lawyer, so if there is an infringiment in any sense of the Apache 2.0 license for the Pulumi code that you can explain to me, please reach out to at
So at best this library is under a dual Apache 2.0 and MIT license and at worst it is fully under Apache 2.0 license in case I can’t publish my derivative work under MIT. This will be updated as soon as I get confirmation about it.
As I understood, the code of this library falls into 3 categories:
Copied files
Some files of the original code were preserved verbatim since they apply to general JS code regardless of the different target environments (like this one).
Those files retain the original copyright notice from the Pulumi project as well as their Apache 2.0 license.
Ported files
Some files have the same logic and goal as the original code from Pulumi, but entirely rewritten to account for the different targets of both projects, one being solely for CJS functions and the other for arbitrary ES modules (like this one).
Those may contain snippets of the original code and different code that achieves the same as some segments of Pulumi’s code mixed with new code.
To the best of my knowledge, those are considered my code, so they are licensed under MIT.
Original files
Lastly, some files were written from scratch, like the inline module declaration and Vite plugin. Those are under MIT.